
How do I apply?
When should I apply?
Am I eligible to apply for Baret Scholars?
What activities should I include in my application?

What is the interview like?

Can I apply to college and to Baret Scholars?

Can I apply to college during my Baret year?

If I get in, will I need to get my own visas?

How much does Baret Scholars cost?

How can I afford Baret Scholars?

Will Baret meet my full demonstrated need?

Will I receive more aid if I apply in the first two rounds of admission or in the second two rounds?

Am I able to apply for both Merit Based Scholarship and Need-Based Tuition/Fees assistance?

Can I use federal financial aid or 529 funds for Baret Scholars?

Does Baret Scholars offer payment plans?

Does Baret Scholars offer student loan options?

I have made a resume/website/photography album/video/news feature/social media following/etc. that I am proud of. Can I share it with Baret Scholars?